Sunday, November 11, 2007



甚麽時候我們不介意,主動給陌生人一個微笑,或好像歐美正在大力推行來一個親切的擁抱。若每一天的早晨這樣開始,確信有助減輕肩膊的負荷,和充斥心內的冷酷。 被緊緊擁抱的感覺實在很好,拉近了不止是身心的距離,更是世界的距離。


Anonymous said...

This is difficult. I know it is sad but people may think you are crazy... we all wear armor to protect ourselves. And it is strange... in our own place, to say hi to strangers...

Connie Missipi ~ 密西比 said...

迫: A culture shock may be, definitely not crazy. Somebody has to break the ice or the ice would become an iceberg someday. Now you know why I miss Canada...